here are my notes from yesterday's beer column on cbc radio one's on the coast talking about gmos in beer with mathew lazin-ryder: Let's begin this post-St. Patrick’s Day column with a mention of green beer. I am a fan of beer; good beer, quality beer. If you could make your beer green in colour without taking away from the quality of the beer, then I would be all for it. To the best of my knowledge though, the green beer on offer around Vancouver is courtesy of green food colouring. As a card carrying beer geek I'm not down with that! Which leads me to what else shouldn’t be in beer - such as genetically modified organisms. Beer has four ingredients, water, yeast, hops and barley. Of those four, water is not a substance that can be genetically altered, so it’s fine. Hops and barley are currently not on a risk list, so they are not likely to contain GMOs. Yeast, however, is on the high risk list. Adjuncts like co...