changing face of craft beer
here are my latest ramblings in The Growler FEATURES THE NEW FACE OF CRAFT BEER IS HERE REBECCA WHYMAN • MARCH 8, 2019 Tara Rafiq illustration You know that phenomenon when something, seemingly out of nowhere, tickles your brain, then takes up residence, and has you ruminating for months? That’s what happened to me at Bart Watson’s key-note speech at the B.C. Brewers’ Conference back in October. The chief economist for the American Brewers Association gave an engaging talk about the state of craft brewing, chock-full of brain tickling stats and his interpretations of what they mean now and for the future. Including this innocuous little slide: Nothing controversial here, folks. Just that some craft beer drinkers are drinking more craft beer, and say they are doing so because they visit breweries. Isn’t that nice? The industry must love when the already-converted are drinking even more craft. And all breweries had to do was offer appreciators a way to visit them ...