rogue farm

i am a total geek
i am excited by this crop report
hops, growing hops!
and all sorts of other great agricultural stuff
i feel kinda like les nessmann with the hog report!!

Rogue Nation Department of Agriculture
June 2011
Rogue Farms Micro Barley Farm,
Tygh Valley, Oregon:
RiskTM 2-row winter malting barley is fully grown and filling out the kernels. Color recently changed from green to rusty brown. Rains delayed the planting of the DareTM 2-row spring malting barley. But recent sunny weather is helping them grow, they're now almost a foot tall. Total acres planted down slightly from last year.

Crop:  RiskTM 2-row winter malting barley
Acres in Production:  95
Estimated Harvest:  475,000 pounds

Crop:  DareTM 2-row spring malting barley
Acres in Production:  90
Estimated Harvest:  450,000 pounds

Micro Floor Malt House: We lost a 2,000 pound batch of 2-row floor malt when the kiln malfunctioned during the first weekend of June and had to dump it. This has delayed the release of our Floor Malt Whiskey. For the rest of the month, we will floor malt another ten, 2,000 pound batches. We're also malting several batches of 6-row barley for Oregon State University.

Rogue Farms Micro Hopyard,
Independence, Oregon:
As of June 1, the hop bines are four feet high and growing almost a foot per day. By the end of the month they'll have climbed to the top of the trellises and started spreading out across the wires. Look for flowers to follow, turning to cones by late July.

Crop:  Alluvial Hops
Acres in Production:  5

Estimated Harvest:  8,000 Pounds

Crop: Freedom Hops
Acres in Production:  10 
Estimated Harvest:  16,000 Pounds

Crop:  Independent Hops
Acres in Production:  5
Estimated Harvest:  8,000 Pounds

Crop:  Liberty Hops
Acres in Production:  5
Estimated Harvest:  8,000 Pounds

Crop:  Newport Hops
Acres in Production:  5
Estimated Harvest:  8,000 Pounds

Crop:  Rebel Hops
Acres in Production:  5
Estimated Harvest:  8,000 Pounds

Crop:  Revolution Hops
Acres in Production:  5
Estimated Harvest:  8,000 Pounds

Pumpkins: An acre sized pumpkin patch was planted late May. Small shoots have emerged. Growing two varieties, a sweet baking pumpkin and a jack-o-lantern variety.

Berries: Looking healthy despite the rain. Raspberries should be ready to harvest by the end of the month, Marionberries in July.

Free Range Chickens: We're raising eight varieties of chickens this year; Golden Laced Wyandots, Ostralorps, Dark Brahmas, Blue Andalusians, Splash Andalusians, Barred Rock, Buff Orpingtons, Delawares. Chicks born early May are now about a month old, losing their fluff and growing feathers. At about one-quarter of their adult size, they'll be mature enough to lay eggs starting September.

Herbs: In June, we're planting an herbal garden to grow Woodruff, Chamomile, Lavender ingredients for our beers and spirits.

Hazelnuts: We get our hazelnuts from a neighbor's orchard just down Wigrich Road.

Rogue Farms Hops Cheese
GYO Certified
A new farm product this year is a series of cheddar cheeses made with the hops grown on our Micro Hopyard. Crafted in collaboration with artisan cheese maker Rogue Creamery of Central Point, Oregon. Hop leaves are de-stemmed, chopped fine, steeped and mixed into the curds. A Rogue Farms Freedom hops cheddar and Freedom hops TouVelle were released in June.
NOTE: Subscribers to the Rogue Department of Agriculture Crop Report are invited to visit the Micro Hopyard, now open daily during the summer. Contact Natascha at 503-838-9813 to schedule a tour. And join us in September for the Rogue Ales Hop and Heritage Festival, celebrating three centuries of hops growing in Oregon.

Rogue Ales and Spirits Seafood Report,
Newport, Oregon

Dungeness Crab: Newport crabbers are reporting a successful season. Since the opener on December 1, more than 7.4 million pounds of Dungeness crab were landed at Newport. That's 500,000 pounds more than for all of last year's season. Crabbing harvest peaks in December - February and we're now entering a summer season of limited catches that ends August 15.

Bay Shrimp: Newport's Bay Shrimp fishery is off to a very strong start. More than 3.39 million pounds of shrimp were landed in Newport since the season began in April. That's almost twice as much shrimp brought in during the same two month period last year.

Chinook Salmon
Commercial: 31,384 pounds landed in Newport as of June 1. Harvest off Central Oregon began in April and continues until July 9. Resumes July 17 - August 31, and then October 1 - 31.
Sport: Ocean fishing continues through September 30. Fall fishing on Yaquina River (mouth to Big Elk Creek) runs August 1 - December 31.

Coho Salmon
Commercial: Season begns July and runs through early September.
Sport: Summer ocean fishing runs July 2 - August 13. Fall season is Thursday through Saturday, September 1 - 10. Fall fishing on Yaquina River (mouth to Big Elk Creek) runs September 15 to November 30.

Commercial: Two day season, June 29 and July 13.
Sport: All depths season off Newport runs June 9 - 11 with back up dates of June 23 - 25. Nearshore season continues through October 31, or until quota is met. Sport fishermen have landed 20,476 pounds of halibut in Newport for 2011.

Albacore Tuna
Season opens June and runs through October.

Join us! Stay overnight in the Rogue Hop 'n Bed on the Micro Hopyard, or at the Rogue
Bed 'n Beer on the Historic Bay Front in Newport.
For more information visit our Farmer's Almanac page at


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