beer fact of the day

Craft Beer Locator Beer Fact of the Day: (Courtesy of Steve Parkes)

Hop resins, including the bitter acids, polyphenols and essential oils, contain several compounds beneficial to the health of men and women. Some of them survive the brewing process and remain in beer. Hop compounds provide a sedative action, and help relieve stress.

They may be effective at reducing hormone related cancers such as breast cancer and prostate cancer. They are useful in treating complaints related to menopause and menstrual issues. They may also be effective anti-oxidants in the blood reducing the precipitation of lipids. The antimicrobial action extends to effective antibiotic activity against certain pathogenic fungi, streptococcus, staphylococcus, herpes virus and malaria pathogens. In one study meat treated with xanthohumulol failed to produce cancer causing compounds upon cooking. Another showed the same compound to directly prevent and treat cancer tumors.

obviously we should drink more ipa!
more hops, more hops!

beware though:  one comment on facebook suggests that hops are very poisonous for dogs.


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