howe sound rail ale

we all know howe sound brewery rocks!
and here's just more proof of how hard it rocks:

stolen from andy the beer man
who stole it from news leader dot com

"Canadian microbrewery makes one of best beers out right now

I always chuckle a bit when I try a Canadian beer because it brings back memories of the early days of my beer education in the late 1970s.

Before I ever knew that countries such as England, Germany and Belgium produced beer, a Canadian Moosehead or Labatt's was considered exotic.
Those beers don't differ significantly from what most Americans drink and were always skunky, probably from poor storage.

The bartenders or owners would always say, "It's a foreign beer -- it's supposed to taste like that."

Now, older and wiser, I am comforted by the fact that many Canadian microbreweries, such as Unibroue and Brasserie Dieu du Ciel, are making some of the best beers in the world.

Howe Sound's Rail Ale Nut Brown can be added to that list.

This dark-brown beer goes down soft and smooth with flavors of bready roasted grain, nuts, chocolate and caramel. It leaves a clean aftertaste and has little bitterness.

For those who are hesitant to try a beer just because it's dark, the Rail Ale may surprise you.

It's not as crisp as a dark German lager and doesn't have the bite or coffeeish bitterness of a dry stout. I think anyone who enjoys an Irish Smithwick's (technically an Irish red ale) would find this an even more enjoyable beer.

Howe Sound is unusual in that its beer is sold in one-liter (33.8 ounces) clamp-top bottles.

My bottle cost $10.99, which may seem extreme, but you are getting almost three 12-ounce servings, and the quality is certainly worth the $3.50-plus per serving.

Howe Sound has an impressive collection of beers that run the gamut from hoppy imperial ales to English classics such as bitter ale, India pale ale and oatmeal stout.

The brewery just introduced its beers into the U.S. last year; they have been available in Washington, Oregon and California.

Wisconsin is the first non-coast state to join the list. The brewery plans to ship to Colorado and Georgia by the end of the year.

Contact Todd Haefer at


  1. From all of us at Howe Sound Brewing a big Thank you! It's things like this that really make us proud of what we are doing and trying to do.
    "we all know howe sound brewery rocks!
    and here's just more proof of how hard it rocks"
    No you Rock!
    Nathan Rayment
    Howe Sound Brewing Company


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