review beer respectfully

beer advocate #44 is out
but this comes from issue #43
for the entire article, click here to visit their website

5 Tips to Review Beer Respectfully

1.  Don't be afraid to tell the truth, but be constructive by adding suggestions, so that readers will take your opinions seriously and hopefully find some value in them too.

2.  Subjectivity will always come into play, but try to be as objective as possible.  If you know you don't like a beer or a style, don't review it - your bias will likely be apparent and will undermine your review.  Keep the style and brewer's intentions in mind, and never review a beer known to be past its prime.

3.  Don't like a beer or brewery?  No need to get all agitated about it.  It's just beer.

4.  Never drunk post - this applies to more than just beer reviewing.

5.  Have fun.  It's beer.

Use what you know, learn as you explore beer and think before you post.

oooops, except for #5, i've been breaking all those rules/tips since day 1
however, i'm not gonna feel guilty about it
i amuse me when i drunk post
i amuse me when i dis a beer style
i amuse me when i get agitated
hopefully i amuse you too


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